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burnout at work

  • Quiet Quitting: What Workplaces Should Learn From The Trend

    about 2 years ago

    ​If you haven’t heard of “quiet quitting” before (and you’d be forgiven, seeing as it only started making waves in August this year), then allow me to explain. “Quiet quitting” refers to employees deciding to do the bare minimum at work. And by the “bare minimum”, I mean the responsibilities they’re contractually obligated to fulfil. As in, the job they were hired to do. No...

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    Untitled Design (29)
  • 2021 is over, so why are so many of us still feeling burnout?

    over 2 years ago

    While the doors may have closed on the sh*tshow that was 2021, burnout is still a real problem for business’ and their employees going into 2022. ​77% of employees reported feeling burnt out last year and, unfortunately, most feel like their companies aren’t doing enough to address it. ​And — contrary to what your social media feed might look like — just because the calendar...

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    Employee burnout